States we have visited so far!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

How Lucy got her Name

    The adventure of getting a trailer, motorhome, or such can be quite funny.  Like when I was trying to fill the fresh water tank for the first time........I couldn't figure out why it wasn't filling, where the water was going.  After an embarrassing period of time I hit the internet.  People that have had their rv's for a long time forget that newbees have no clue on certain aspects of living on wheels.  It took awhile before it finally dawned on me there are 2 water sources.  The most obvious one being the faucet connection on the side - that is for hooking a hose to a faucet and bypassing the water tank!  The other source is behind a little door.  It is an inlet for filling the water tank. 

Decades ago, Lucille Ball and her husband made a film "The long, long trailer".  The movie is hillarious as my grandkids will tell you. After the water tank incident I felt so stupid for all the consternation and I remembered "The Long, Long Trailer".  So that is how my 1990 Tioga Arrow motorhome was named after Lucille Ball!

Lucy is not a young thing but then neither am I.  She is not one of those HUGE motorhomes but is always to looking to loose a bit of weight, which I am too.  But she has only a few miles on her (I have quite a few) and she is in pretty good shape for her age, which I like to think I am too.  We have bonded. 

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